Terms of Service

This page contains information to which you must agree before making a purchase from Know Dogs Allowed Canine Enterprises. Please make sure you have read and understand all terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, contact [email protected] for clarification. Changes to these terms take effect as soon as they are posted, so please review frequently. Know Dogs Allowed Canine Enterprises is located in Canada, and this website is intended for Canadian audiences.


1. General Expectations

2. Waiver of Liability and Informed Consent 

3. Membership 

4. Refund Policies 

5. Prices

6. Agreement to Terms

1. General Expectations 

Know Dogs Allowed Canine Enterprises will endeavour to promote as safe an environment as possible for the training of your dog and will offer only sound and responsible training information. All content delivered on this website is intended to provide humane training information. While specific results cannot be guaranteed, and some pets may experience unintentional discomfort, the materials provided contain no intentionally aversive (frightening, painful, or unpleasant) methods or advice. The methods discussed in these materials are humane and usually effective when implemented correctly, and do not require the addition of frightening, painful, or unpleasant techniques. Know Dogs Allowed Canine Enterprises is in no way responsible for the incorrect implementation of methods discussed in Learning Materials. 

Learning Materials are provided for general educational purposes and do not represent prescriptive training plans, nor do they replace the need for competent behavioural consultation to address specific behavioural concerns. Veterinary medical evaluation is required prior to registration to address any known or suspected health concerns. Do not proceed if your dog has any known or suspected health or behavioural concerns that have not been addressed to the satisfaction of their qualified, competent veterinarian and/or trusted behaviour consultant. Behavioural concerns include but are not limited to fear, anxiety, stress, and aggression. 

Dog training and behaviour modification, even when intended to be cooperative, is invasive and may be uncomfortable for some pets. Dogs are unpredictable and impossible to control humanely with 100% efficacy. You know your pet best. If your pet behaves unexpectedly or aggressively (including but not limited to showing teeth, growling, biting or threatening to bite, even if the bite does not cause injury) during training related to any Learning Materials provided by Know Dogs Allowed Canine Enterprises, discontinue and contact [email protected] when it is safe to do so. If medical attention or other care is required, contact the appropriate providers first. 

By accessing these Learning Materials, you agree that Know Dogs Allowed Canine Enterprises will not be held responsible for any physical, material, or emotional damage that may occur as a result of your participation. You are solely responsible for the outcomes of your or anyone else’s interactions with your pet. 

2. Waiver of Liability and Informed Consent 

I, the Releasing Party, certify that I am of the legal age of majority in my jurisdiction, and that I am otherwise capable and competent to enter into this legally binding agreement. 

By purchasing and/or participating in Learning Materials offered by Know Dogs Allowed Canine Enterprises, I am indicating that I have been informed and understand that there is always some inherent risk, including dog bites, involved in owning, training, or interacting with a dog. 

I have had full opportunity to discuss all questions and/or concerns I have about the foregoing risks with Know Dogs Allowed Canine Enterprises and its authorized representatives. I assert that I have pursued any and all such inquiries and to my satisfaction. 

I hereby accept and assume, without reservation, all risks associated with my participation in the Learning Materials, including, but not limited to: the risks of any and all injuries to myself, my dog and any of my family members or third parties who may interact with my dog; and the risks that my dog may cause injury or damage to other persons, dogs, or property while training or as a result of tasks undertaken related to training. I, for myself and my kin, legal representatives, executors, administrators, and agents hereby waive, release, discharge, and agree not to sue Know Dogs Allowed Canine Enterprises or its representatives. I furthermore agree to indemnify and hold harmless Know Dogs Allowed Canine Enterprises and its representatives from any and all injuries, losses, claims, and damages to any person or property arising from my participation in the Learning Materials. 

This agreement is legally binding. The foregoing terms are intended to be severable. If any one or more terms are deemed invalid or unenforceable, that will not affect the validity of the other terms in this agreement. 

3. Membership: Learning Community

Subscription or membership to the learning community (“Membership”) is intended to provide ongoing, collaborative, and supplemental support for students and alumni of Know Dogs Allowed Canine Enterprises. Participation in the Membership is subject to additional rules of conduct available within the Membership portal. Membership may be deferred, suspended, or revoked by Know Dogs Allowed Canine Enterprises at any time and without warning if a participant’s use of the Membership causes distress or discomfort to other participants or facilitators. 

Examples of conduct violations: 

Examples of out-of-scope topics include, but are not limited to: 

All materials, including user-generated content, images, text, videos, screen recordings, or screenshots, are strictly confidential and must not be shared outside of the Membership. Violation of confidentiality will result in immediate and irrevocable expulsion from the Membership. 

Reminders and warnings may be provided as a courtesy, at the sole discretion of Know Dogs Allowed Canine Enterprises, but are not an obligation.  

Membership renewal may be cancelled at any time prior to the next billing cycle (monthly or yearly). Services provided as part of a Membership will remain accessible until the end of the current billing cycle. Refunds will not be provided for any Membership cancellation if the cancellation is initiated more than 5 days after new registration. 

New registration is defined as a Membership whose first billing cycle is not contiguous with that of any previous Membership of the same type. If there was a previous Membership of the same type, a minimum interval equivalent to one term of the previous Membership must have passed between cancellation of the previous Membership and initiation of the current one for it to be considered a new registration. 

4. Refund Policy

Full refunds will only be provided in the event of a complete failure to deliver services, such as due to total and permanent cancellation of a class or event by Know Dogs Allowed Canine Enterprises. 

Upon request made within 48 hours of the announcement of postponement, attendance to postponed live events may be forfeited in exchange for credit in the form of a unique coupon code for the pre-tax amount of the original purchase, which may be used towards future purchases. No other credit or refund will be issued. 

Temporary suspension (“downtime”) of membership or subscription services will be communicated with as much notice as possible. The service will be extended by the equivalent amount of time as the downtime. No other credit or refund will be issued. 

In the event of total and permanent cancellation of a partially delivered service, such as a subscription or membership service, a prorated refund will be issued, minus a $10 CAD processing fee. 

Withdrawal from services not yet rendered (pre-registration) or future events may be issued credit or refund in the amount of 50% of the purchase price minus a $10 processing fee, at the sole discretion of Know Dogs Allowed Canine Enterprises. Please contact [email protected] to indicate extenuating circumstances as soon as possible. 

Refunds will not be provided for the following: 

Expulsion from Membership is not eligible for refund under any circumstances. 

5. Prices

Prices are listed in Canadian Dollars (CAD) and are subject to applicable taxes for your jurisdiction. Know Dogs Allowed Canine Enterprises does not control, cannot adjust, and will not refund currency exchange rates, currency conversion fees, processing fees, taxes, or any other charges related to the purchase. 

Prices are subject to adjustment at any time, for any reason. Adjustments may be temporary or permanent. Price adjustments will become effective at the later of the stated effective date or the Member’s next term renewal, if applicable. 

Agreement to Terms 

Please read the description of the Learning Materials, including price, release date, duration for which the Learning Materials will be accessible to the intended recipient, course outline, and any other provided details carefully before making your purchase. 

These Terms and Conditions may be updated from time to time. Major changes will be highlighted.  An effort will be made to inform you of major changes. 

Your purchase and participation in Learning Materials or Membership signifies your agreement to these terms. No refunds will be issued for reasons of ignorance or misunderstanding of stated terms. 

Contact [email protected] with any questions or concerns before making your purchase.